Lingua/PT/Nums2Words version 1.06 ================================= Lingua::PT::Nums2Words - Converts numbers to Portuguese words =head1 SYNOPSIS use Lingua::PT::Nums2Words; $result = num2word(5); # $result now holds 'cinco' @results = num2word(1,2,10,100,1000,9999); # @results now holds ('um', 'dois', 'dez', 'cem', 'mil', # 'nove mil novecentos e noventa e nove') =head1 DESCRIPTION Nums2Words converts numbers to Portuguese words (works with numbers ranging from 0 to 999.999.999.999.999). Does not support negative numbers. =head1 SEE ALSO More tools for the Portuguese language processing can be found at the Natura project: =head1 AUTHOR Jose Castro, C<< <> >> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2004 Jose Castro, All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut