# NAME Data::Validator::Recursive - recursive data friendly Data::Validator # SYNOPSIS use Data::Validator::Recursive; # create a new rule my $rule = Data::Validator::Recursive->new( foo => 'Str', bar => { isa => 'Int' }, baz => { isa => 'HashRef', # default rule => [ hoge => { isa => 'Str', optional => 1 }, fuga => 'Int', ], }, ); # input data for validation $input = { foo => 'hoge', bar => 1192, baz => { hoge => 'kamakura', fuga => 1185, }, }; # do validation my $params = $rule->validate($iput) or croak $rule->error->{message}; # DESCRIPTION Data::Validator::Recursive is recursive data friendly Data::Validator. You are creates the validation rules contain `NoThrow` as default. # METHODS ## `new($arg_name => $rule [, ... ]) : Data::Validator::Recursive` Create a validation rule. my $rule = Data::Validator::Recursive->new( foo => 'Str', bar => { isa => 'Int' }, baz => { rule => [ hoge => { isa => 'Str', optional => 1 }, fuga => 'Int', ], }, ); _$rule_'s attributes is [Data::Validator](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Data::Validator) compatible, And additional attributes as follows: - `rule => $rule : Array | Hash | Data::Validator::Recursive | Data::Validator` You can defined a _$rule_ recursively to _rule_. For example: my $rule = Data::Validator::Recursive->new( foo => { rule => [ bar => { baz => [ rule => ... ], }, ], } ); - `with => $extention : Str | Array` Applies _$extention_ to this rule. See also [Data::Validator](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Data::Validator). ## `with(@extentions)` : Data::Validator::Recursive Applies _@extention_ to this rule. See also [Data::Validator](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Data::Validator). ## `validate(@args) : \%hash | undef` Validates _@args_ and returns a restricted HASH reference, But return undefined value if there found invalid parameters. my $params = $rule->validate(@args) or croak $rule->error->{message}; ## `has_error() : Bool` Return true if there is an error. $rule->validate($params); if ($rule->has_error) { ... } ## `errors() : \@errors | undef` Returns last error datum or undefined value. my $errors = $rule->errors; # $error = [ # { # name => 'xxx', # type => 'xxx', # message => 'xxx', # }, # { ... }, # ... # ] ## `error() : \%error | undef` Returns last first error data or undefined value. my $error = $rule->error; # $error = $rule->errors->[0] ## `clear_errors : \@errors | undef` Clear last errors after return last errors or undefined value. my $errors = $rule->clear_errors; say $rule->has_error; # 0 # AUTHOR Yuji Shimada <xaicron {@} GMAIL.COM> # CONTRIBUTORS punytan # COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 - Yuji Shimada # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # SEE ALSO [Data::Validator](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Data::Validator)