# App::I18N

## Description

App::I18N borrows some good stuff from Jifty::I18N and tries to provide a general
po management script for all frameworks | applications. 

## Basic flow

### Basic po file manipulation:

parse strings from `lib` path:

    $ cd app
    $ po parse lib

this will generate:


please modify the CHARSET in po/app.pot.

    ... modify CHARSET ...

create new language file (po file):

    po lang en
    po lang fr
    po lang ja
    po lang zh_TW

this generates:


    ... do translation here

when you added more message in your application. you might need to update po
messages, but you dont have to delete/recreate these po files, you can just parse your messages again
all of your translations will be kept. eg:

    $ po parse lib

    ... do translation again ...

### Generate locale and mo file for php-gettext or anyother gettext i18n app:

parse strings from `.` path and use --locale (locale directory structure):

    $ cd app
    $ po parse --locale .

this will generate:

please modify the CHARSET in po/app.pot.

    ... modify CHARSET ...

create new language file (po file and mo file) in locale directory structure:

    $ po lang  --locale en
    $ po lang  --locale zh_TW

this will generate:


(you can use --podir option to generate those stuff to other directory)

    ... do translation here ...

if you use mo file , you might need to update mo file.

    $ po update --locale


    -project (master) % po update --mo --podir locale
        Updating locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/project.po
        Updating locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/project.mo
        9 translated messages, 53 untranslated messages.

Note that if you have `po` or `locale` directory exists, then it will be the default po directory.

And `locale` directory will enable `--locale` option.

## Show Translation Status

    $ po status

    Translation Status:
        en_US: [                                                  ]  0% (0/8) 
        zh_TW: [======                                            ] 12% (1/8) 

## Auto Translation

Auto translate via Google Translate REST API:

Default backend is google translate REST API, This will translate zh\_TW.po file and translate msgid (en\_US)
to msgstr (zh\_TW):

    $ po auto zh_TW --from en_US

    $ po auto zh_CN --from en_US --to zh_CN

    $ po auto zh_CN --from en_US --overwrite --prompt

    $ po auto --backend google-rest --from en\_US --to zh\_TW

## Generate Static Dictionary File For Code

To generate dictionary hash in perl:

    $ po gen pm

To generate dictionary hash in javascript (json):

    $ po gen json

To general dictionary hash in javascript (with variable name):

    $ po gen js

## Usage

create dictionary files for language:

	$ po lang zh_tw en

parse i18n strings:

	$ po parse bin lib static share/web/static/js ...

start a web server to edit po file:

    $ po server -f po/en.po

start a web server to edit po file of specified language:

    $ po server --lang en

extract message from files and start a web server:

    $ po server --dir lib --dir share/static --lang en

### For PHP Developers

If you are using gettext extension for your application,
You should use --locale option to generate locale structure.

And `maketext/l10n.php` file for l10n helper class and functions.

## **TODO**

* Initialize a system-side i18n database:

	po initdb 

* Initialize a temporary SQLite database for collaborative editing, and write
back when INT/TERM signal recevied or could be triggered by a submit button.