Apache::VMonitor 2.x works with both mod_perl generations. If you have
both installed you need to decide which mod_perl generation to build
it for. To build against mod_perl 1.0, run:

*** mod_perl 1.0 ***

  % perl Makefile.PL MOD_PERL=1 -httpd /path/to/apache/bin/httpd
  % make
  % make test
  % make install

replace /path/to/apache/bin/httpd with a path to your apache 1.3 httpd
server, which was built with mod_perl 1.0.

An alternative way to tell Makefile.PL that you want mod_perl 1.0 is
server, which was built with mod_perl 1.0 to use the MOD_PERL environment 

  % MOD_PERL=1 perl Makefile.PL -httpd /path/to/apache/bin/httpd
  % make
  % make test
  % make install

*** mod_perl 2.0 ***

  % perl Makefile.PL MOD_PERL=2 -httpd /path/to/apache2/bin/httpd
  % make
  % make test
  % make install

replace /path/to/apache/bin/httpd with a path to your apache 2.0 httpd
server, which was built with mod_perl 2.0.

An alternative way to tell Makefile.PL that you want mod_perl 2.0 is
server, which was built with mod_perl 2.0 to use the MOD_PERL environment 

  % MOD_PERL=2 perl Makefile.PL -httpd /path/to/apache2/bin/httpd
  % make
  % make test
  % make install