File-FilterFuncs version 0.53 ============================= File::FilterFuncs makes it easy to perform transformations on files. When you use this module, you specify a group of filter functions that perform transformations on the lines in a source file. Those transformed lines are written to the destination file that you specify. For example, this code coverts an entire file to upper-case, line-by-line: use File::FilterFuncs qw(filters); filters('source.txt', sub { uc $_; 1 }, 'dest.txt' ); See the POD for more examples and details. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES none COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This program is under the General Public License (GPL). Copyright 2007 Mumia Wotse Mumia Wotse <mumia.w.18.spam+nospam [at]>