This Perl module provides one function, e_split(), for splitting strings at arbitrary character(sequence)s (the delimiter). Delimiter may be given as regex. USAGE my @tokens = e_split ('::', $source_string, 5); returns the first four tokens, delimited by '::', plus the remainder of $source_string (stored in $tokens[-1]). my $token_ref = e_split ('(::)', $source_string, -7); returns the last six tokens, delimited by '::', plus the remainder (beginning) of $source_string (stored in $token_ref->[0]), plus the delimiters matched. Result is returned as a reference to the token-array. - delimiters contained in quoted tokens will be ignored, as are backslash- escaped delims. - delimiters given in () are returned as n + 1st elements of the resulting array (CORE::split()-like). - the maximum number of tokens to be returned can be passed, counted from beginning (CORE::split()-like) or from the end of $source_string. DISCUSSION e_split() vs. Text::ParseWords::parse_line(): e_split is 2-5 times faster than als Text::ParseWords::parse_line. e_split deals well with quotes within unquoted tokens. e_split is more robust at mixed-quotes tokens. VERSION 1.00 vom 07.06.2000 CONTENTS OF THE ARCHIVE FILE FILE_ID.DIZ - module description (in German (yet)) - The Module ESplit.htm - documentation in HTML format AUTHOR Hartmut Camphausen Kirchstra�e 8 35043 Marburg Fon: 06424/923826 Fax: 06424/923827 Emil: WWW: LICENSE Copyright (c) 2000 Hartmut Camphausen. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.