RT::Extension::CommandByMail - Change ticket metadata via email

    Works with RT 4.0, 4.2, 4.4

        (Send email with content that looks like the following.)

        Status: stalled
        Subject: change subject

        The comment/reply text goes here

    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
        May need root permissions

    Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/
        If you are using RT 4.2 or greater, add this line:


        For RT 4.0, add this line:

            Set(@Plugins, qw(RT::Extension::CommandByMail));

        or add RT::Extension::CommandByMail to your existing @Plugins line.

        For RT 4.2 or older, also add Filter::TakeAction to your
        @MailPlugins configuration, as follows:

            Set(@MailPlugins, qw(Auth::MailFrom Filter::TakeAction));

        For RT 4.4 or newer, the plugin code is in Action::CommandByMail, so
        add this:

            Set(@MailPlugins, qw(Auth::MailFrom Action::CommandByMail));

        Be sure to include Auth::MailFrom in the list as well.

        Note: The plugin name has changed for RT 4.4, so after upgrading you
        must also update your file to change
        Filter::TakeAction to the new Action::CommandByMail.

    Patch RT
        For RT 4.4.0, apply the included patch:

            cd /opt/rt4  # Your location may be different
            patch -p1 < /download/dir/RT-Extension-CommandByMail/etc/handle_action_pass_currentuser.patch

    Restart your webserver

    In addition to adding the configuration above to activate the extension
    in RT, the following options are available.

    You may set a $CommandByMailGroup to a particular group ID in
    RT_SiteConfig. If set, only members of this group may perform commands
    by mail.

    You may set this configuration value to the name of a header to examine
    as well. For example:

        Set($CommandByMailHeader, "X-RT-Command");

    If set, the body will not be examined, only the header defined by the
    previous configuration option.

    This extension is incompatible with UnsafeEmailCommands RT option.

    This extension allows you to manage ticket metadata via email. You may
    put commands into the beginning of an email, and the extension will
    apply them. The list of commands is detailed below.

    CAVEAT: commands are line oriented, so you can't expand to multiple
    lines for each command, i.e. values can't contains new lines. The module
    also currently expects and parses text, not HTML.

    This extension parses the body, and optionally a header, in incoming
    messages for commands to update ticket metadata. The format of commands

        Command: value
        Command: value

    You can find list of "COMMANDS" below.

    Some commands (like Status, Queue and other) can be used only once.
    Commands that manage lists can be used multiple times, for example link,
    custom fields and watchers commands. Also, the latter can be used with
    Add and Del prefixes to add/delete values from the current list of the
    ticket you reply to or comment on.

    Queue: <name>
        Set new queue for the ticket

    Subject: <string>
        Set new subject to the given string

    Status: <status>
        Set new status, one of new, open, stalled, resolved, rejected or

    Owner: <username>
        Set new owner using the given username

    Priority: <#>
        Set new priority to the given value

    FinalPriority: <#>
        Set new final priority to the given value

    Set new date/timestamp, or 0 to unset:

        Due: <new timestamp>
        Starts: <new timestamp>
        Started: <new timestamp>

    Set new times to the given value in minutes. Note that on
    correspond/comment TimeWorked add time to the current value.

        TimeWorked: <minutes>
        TimeEstimated: <minutes>
        TimeLeft: <minutes>

    Manage watchers: requestors, ccs and admin ccs. This commands can be
    used several times and/or with Add and Del prefixes, for example
    Requestor comand set requestor(s) and the current requestors would be
    deleted, but AddRequestor command adds to the current list.

        Requestor: <address> Set requestor(s) using the email address
        AddRequestor: <address> Add new requestor using the email address
        DelRequestor: <address> Remove email address as requestor
        Cc: <address> Set Cc watcher(s) using the email address
        AddCc: <address> Add new Cc watcher using the email address
        DelCc: <address> Remove email address as Cc watcher
        AdminCc: <address> Set AdminCc watcher(s) using the email address
        AddAdminCc: <address> Add new AdminCc watcher using the email address
        DelAdminCc: <address> Remove email address as AdminCc watcher

    Manage links. These commands are also could be used several times in one

        DependsOn: <ticket id>
        DependedOnBy: <ticket id>
        RefersTo: <ticket id>
        ReferredToBy: <ticket id>
        Members: <ticket id>
        MemberOf: <ticket id>

   Custom field values
    Manage custom field values. Could be used multiple times. (The curly
    braces are literal.)

        CustomField.{<CFName>}: <custom field value>
        AddCustomField.{<CFName>}: <custom field value>
        DelCustomField.{<CFName>}: <custom field value>

    Short forms:

        CF.{<CFName>}: <custom field value>
        AddCF.{<CFName>}: <custom field value>
        DelCF.{<CFName>}: <custom field value>

   Transaction Custom field values
    Manage custom field values of transactions. Could be used multiple
    times. (The curly braces are literal.)

        TransactionCustomField.{<CFName>}: <custom field value>

    Short forms:

        TxnCustomField.{<CFName>}: <custom field value>
        TransactionCF.{<CFName>}: <custom field value>
        TxnCF.{<CFName>}: <custom field value>

    This extension has no extended auth system; so all security issues that
    apply to the RT in general also apply to the extension.

    This method provides the main email processing functionality. It
    supports both RT 4.2 and earlier and 4.4 and later. To do this, the
    return hashes contain some values used by 4.2 code and some used by 4.4.
    The return values coexist and unused values are ignored by the different

    For 4.4, returning { DeferToRT => 1 } invokes the normal RT mail
    processing flow. This allows CommandByMail to pass on processing an
    email message for cases like a user not being a member of

  ParseCcAddressesFromHead HASH
    Takes a hash containing QueueObj, Head and CurrentUser objects. Returns
    a list of all email addresses in the To and Cc headers b<except> the
    current Queue's email addresses, the CurrentUser's email address and
    anything that the configuration sub RT::IsRTAddress matches.

    Best Practical Solutions, LLC <>

    All bugs should be reported via email to


    or via the web at


    This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Best Practical Solutions

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991