Algorithm::TokenBucket version 0.36

Token bucket algorithm is a flexible way of imposing a rate limit
against a stream of items. It is also very easy to combine several
rate-limiters in an C<AND> or C<OR> fashion.

Each bucket has a memory footprint of constant size because the
algorithm is based on statistics. This was my main motivation to
implement it. Other rate limiters on CPAN (Schedule::RateLimit
and Algorithm::FloodControl) keep track of I<ALL> incoming
events in memory and are able therefore to be strictly exact.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Build.PL
   perl Build
   perl Build test
   perl Build install


This software is copyright (C) 2004-2012 by Alex Kapranoff.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.