# NAME Task::ModernPerlBook::4e - Install CPAN modules for the Modern Perl book, 4e # SYNOPSIS use Task::ModernPerlBook::4e; # DESCRIPTION Task::ModernPerlBook::4e is a bundle of useful CPAN modules mentioned in the first edition of the Modern Perl book ([http://modernperlbooks.com/books/modern\_perl/](http://modernperlbooks.com/books/modern_perl/)). Installing this will install all of them for you. Note that `perl5i` is \_not\_ included, because it's experimental and difficult to install and `UNIVERSAL::ref` is excluded, because it currently does not build after Perl 5.25.1. For the latest edition of the book, see [http://modernperlbooks.com/](http://modernperlbooks.com/). # LICENSE Copyright (C) chromatic. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR chromatic <chromatic@wgz.org>