NAME App::financeta SYNOPSIS App::financeta is a high level module that uses App::financeta::gui and invokes it as an application. It handles command line processing of financeta. VERSION 0.16 DESCRIPTION The documentation is detailed at The github repository is at METHODS run This function starts the graphical user interface (GUI) and parses command line arguments. It invokes App::financeta::gui. print_warning This function prints license and disclaimer to STDERR. SEE ALSO App::financeta::gui This is the GUI internal details being used by App::financeta. financeta The commandline script that calls App::financeta. DEPENDENCIES FOR DEVELOPERS Linux For Linux, such as Debian/Ubuntu based systems like Debian Bullseye or Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, you want the following packages installed: libheif-dev libwebp-dev libxpm-dev libgtk-3-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev gnuplot Then you build Prima, PDL, PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot, PDL::Graphics::Simple, Mo, IO::All. Windows For Windows you need Strawberry Perl installed and install Prima, PDL, PDL::Graphics::Prima, PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot, PDL::Graphics::Simple. You will want to install Gnuplot 5.2.8 from their website. The version that is 5.4 and above is not supported at the moment due to issues with IPC. Mac OSX It is quite a lot of work to get this working on Mac OSX. We have tested it on Monterey. You will need HomeBrew from <> setup and install the following packages: gnuplot, xorg-server, cmake, openssl, perl, xinit, fribidi, pkg-config, xquartz, dk/libthai/libthai, libheif, gtk+3. It may or may not work here. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2013-2025. Vikas N Kumar <>. All Rights Reserved. LICENSE This is free software. You can redistribute it or modify it under the terms of GNU General Public License version 3. Refer LICENSE file in the top level source directory for more information.