Math-Yapp version 1.01

Most of the information you need on the motivation for this module and how
to use it are better found in the perldoc (POD) on the module.  The short
story is:

There is already a Math::Polynomial package avaliable on CPAN, I felt it
does not do enough of the basics, like solving polynomials or providing
enough ways to construct them.  It also seemed like a fun project, my
primary motivation.  Hence, the name, Yapp: Let Another Polynomial Package.

For the testing phase I tried an experiment, since I was unable to get
a solid answer to my question: Sam Tregar's book "Writing Perl Modules
for CPAN" suggests writing either one testing module with many tests or
a separate testing module for each test. Question: How about several
testing modules, each comprised of several related tests?  For example,
one module for constructors, another for arithmetic, etc.  Well, I'm
trying it.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 # The TEST_VERBOSE=1 is optional but suggested
                            # because, by default, <make test> ignores
                            # printf calls in the .t programs
   make install             # Must by root (*nix) or Administrator (Windows)


At this time, this module requires Math::Complex, which is quite standard.
In my bug report (BUGS section in the POD) I discuss using Math::MPC for
higher precision math but that idea has been but on the back burner for
reasons explained in that section.

There is no other module dependency.


Copyright (C) 2013 by Jacob Salomon (

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
Note that part of it were tested under Perl 5.08 on a Solaris box and
seemed to work well enough.

FYI: This module was devloped mostly in a Cygwin environment running
under Windows-7.